Aging Eyes: Are Injectables the Solution?

adobestock 124260823 1 Droopy, puffy eyelids can make a person look tired and sad. We see adults of all ages who are interested in addressing concerns related to baggy, heavy eyelids. One of the most common questions patients have is whether injectable treatments may address their concerns.  I thought I’d take a few minutes to discuss the role that injectables can play in eyelid rejuvenation. 

What causes droopy eyelids?

As we age, we may notice sagging jowls along the jawline. Deep creases may develop around the nose and mouth. Before all of this, though, due to the fragility of the skin around the eyes, we may see crow’s feet, redundant upper eyelid skin, bags, or dark circles and hollowing. The skin around the eyes is naturally thinner than other areas of the face and body.  Because of this the eyelid skin is more susceptible to biological and chemical changes than other areas. It is also more vulnerable to sun damage. The eyes “age faster” because this skin needs more care.

When the collagen and elastin fibers that support the eyelids start to fray, people notice concerns like:

  • Puffiness or under eye bags caused by bulging fat pads
  • Sunken-ness or dark circles 
  • Creases and sagging of the upper eyelids
  • Sagging and hooding of the upper eyelids

Can Injectables Help?

The short answer to this question is, ‘yes’.  However, they’re not for everyone.  Botox is an injectable that was initially created to improve dynamic wrinkles that form between the eyes when we squint and frown.  It also helps minimize the smile lines that appear along the sides of the eyes.  Botox is a wonderful injectable that can help lift sagging eyebrows.  It lifts eyebrows a relatively small amount and tends to work best on women in their 40’s than women in their 60’s.  Lower eyelids may be treated with injectables as well.  Dermal fillers like Juvederm and Restylane may be placed to fill mild indentations and to disguise areas of fatty fullness.  The effects of all injectables are temporary, however.  Someone looking for a longer-term result might benefit more from cosmetic eyelid and/or brow lift surgery than injectable treatments.

When to Consider Surgery

We don’t take a “cookie cutter” approach to eyelid rejuvenation. No two faces are exactly alike. No two situations the same.  Injectables may be a good place to start for someone with early, mild to moderate signs of eyelid aging.  However, there are certainly situations in which cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a brow lift surgery will yield better results. Some patients choose surgery because their tissue laxity is relatively severe, for instance, with eyelid tissue falling over the eyelashes.  Others choose blepharoplasty or a brow lift because they want their eyes to look refreshed every day, all day, for many years without the need for ongoing touch-ups. 

In our Fort Worth plastic surgery office we have options for eyelid rejuvenation. We would love to help you look and feel your best! Call 817.335.5200 to schedule your consultation and discover your best path to rejuvenated eyes.

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F: 9:00am - 4:00pm
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