Breast Lift (Mastopexy) in Fort Worth, TX

What Is A Breast Lift?

Gravity, pregnancy, and changes in weight and hormonal balance combine to transform a woman’s breasts over time. With loss of skin elasticity, the lower part of the breasts become softer and droop a bit. Sometimes the nipples descend. Breast lift (mastopexy) surgery can help with that. This procedure tightens and reshapes breasts, restoring a more youthful shape and firmness.

Breast Lift Fort Worth TX

Why Choose Dr. Kunkel in Fort Worth For Your Mastopexy

Dr. Kunkel has done breast lift surgery on women from Fort Worth, Arlington, Burleson, Keller, Weatherford, and areas across North Texas. Fort Worth physicians have recognized Dr. Kunkel’s outstanding care of patients and have voted him a TopDoc 22 times (Fort Worth, Texas Magazine)!

Ready to find out more?

If you have been thinking about visiting with a plastic surgeon, give us a call!

Types Of Breast Lifts

One of the most important factors in helping a woman achieve the best result is matching the right woman with the right type of breast lift.

Dr. Kunkel uses the Vectra XT 3-dimensional imaging system to help with this. Each of the three major types of mastopexies has been programmed into the Vectra system software. With a few mouse clicks, the 3-d image of the woman’s torso is altered to show how a specific type of breast lift may affect the appearance of her breasts.

Anchor Lift

An “anchor lift” or “Wise pattern” is a commonly used type of breast lift. It results in scars that go around the areola, down the lower central breast, and along the crease below the breast.

This type of lift may be most appropriate for a woman with a lot of loose skin, someone who has lost weight, or a woman whose nipples are noticeably low.

Vertical Breast Lift

Another type of lift is the “vertical” or “lollipop” mastopexy. This procedure results in a scar around the areola and down the lower central breast, but not along the bottom of the breast. It may be best for a woman who has some loose skin and the nipples are a little low.

Donut Lift

The third type of lift is not used as frequently as the other two. This is often referred to as a “donut” lift because it only results in a scar around the areola.

Dr. Kunkel will discuss the options with you when you visit the Fort Worth office.

Breast Lift Surgery Combined With Breast Augmentation

Many women like how they look in their clothing. They don’t want more fullness, just better shape. For them, mastopexy surgery by itself may provide a great result. Other women want to have more fullness. Maybe their breasts look low or they have a gap at the top of their bra when they lean forward. For these women breast augmentation with breast implants may enhance the result of breast lift surgery.

What Is Fat Grafting?

For women who want more fullness but prefer not to have breast implants, fat grafting may be an option. In these situations, Dr. Kunkel performs liposuction of areas like the abdomen and flanks and transfers the fat into the upper parts of the breasts. This allows a more focused positioning of fullness toward the top of the breasts compared to breast implants. When you visit with Dr. Kunkel in Fort Worth he can have a more detailed discussion with you about this.

  • To see some of Dr. Kunkel’s examples of women who have undergone breast lift surgery without breast implants, click here. Examples of women who underwent breast lifts with fat grafting, no implants, are shown in Case 3 and Case 4.
  • To see examples of Dr. Kunkel’s patients who have undergone breast lift surgery with breast implants, click here.

What Is An "Internal Bra"?

An option exists to help minimize stretching in the lower areas of the breasts. Commonly known as “an internal bra”, an absorbable mesh may be considered to use as a 'sling' to help support the weight of the tissue and breast implant (if an implant is used). Different materials are available for this, a product from Galatea Surgical being the most commonly used. This is an option that is available, and Dr. Kunkel will discuss this with you during your visit.

Where Is Mastopexy Surgery Performed?

Dr. Kunkel performs breast lift surgery in an outpatient surgery center or hospital in Fort Worth.

What Procedures Can Be Combined With A Breast Lift?

Many women combine breast lift surgery with other body contouring procedures like a tummy tuck. Women who undergo longer combined operations may need to spend one night in the surgical facility.

How Long Does A Mastopexy Procedure Take?

The surgery typically takes between 2 to 3½ hours and the patient goes home the same day.

Does A Breast Lift Require Anesthesia?

Dr. Kunkel does mastopexy procedures with the patient being put to sleep under the direction of an anesthesiologist (general anesthesia).

Recovery After Breast Lift Surgery

Gauze dressings are placed at the end of the procedure. Patients return to Dr. Kunkel’s office one to three days later for the first dressing change. The staff in Dr. Kunkel’s office provide detailed guidance about how to take care of the breasts. The breasts will probably have some bruising and be a bit swollen for a few weeks. Many women find their breasts feel tight but they have less pain than expected.

Patient in recovery room

The upper areas of the breasts may look full and shapely initially while the bottom areas of the breasts appear a bit tight. The breasts change over the next three or four months. The lower breast tissues stretch due to gravity pulling on the weight of the breasts. As this happens the lower areas of the breasts become more rounded and appear more natural. Some of the upper breast fullness shifts toward the central areas of the breasts.

Most women are able to return to work in 1 or 2 weeks. Surgical incisions require about 6 weeks before they are strong. Dr. Kunkel asks his patients to refrain from working out, doing strenuous activity, and swimming during that period of time.

See What Our Patients Are Saying

"Dr. Kelly Kunkel, in my strong opinion, is the best plastic surgeon in the DFW area. He is extremely professional and informative. He is patient and will listen to any and all of your questions, and concerns. Not only is he wonderful, but all of his office staff are quite wonderful and extremely friendly. Not one moment are you ever uncomfortable or left feeling awkward.

The consultation process is definitely one to write about. It is what sold me and I scheduled my surgery that very day. Most places will let you wear a bra with different sizes and types of implants. He has a sort of simulation factor. The ladies will take photos of your breasts and then load them into the system and you can actually virtually see what you would look like with different sizes and types of implants.

The day of the surgery is just as easy as well, everything runs very smoothly and you do also meet with Dr. Kunkel before the surgery. Prior to the surgery Dr. Kunkel and his staff will prepare you for all you need to know before, during, and after the surgery. Everyone is very informative and makes sure that you are comfortable and left with no unanswered questions.

I highly recommend selecting Dr. Kelly Kunkel for any plastic surgery you may be considering. Schedule a consultation and you will not regret any of it!"

- Amy B

To See More Reviews, Click Here!

Will Pregnancy Affect The Result Of Breast Lift Surgery?

For women who may want to have more children, it’s probably best to wait to have breast lift surgery. Pregnancy and breast-feeding result in changes of the breasts, and breast lift surgery does not alter those normal physiologic responses.

Risks Of Mastopexy Surgery

As with any surgery, there are some risks. For breast lifts these include numbness of the nipples and breast skin, uneven positioning of nipples, asymmetry of the results, and widening of scars. Other complications include infection, bleeding, problems with healing, long-term pain, and loss of a nipple. Sometimes the bottom of the breasts stretch more than was anticipated and the nipples end up looking high on the breasts.


How Much Does Breast Lift Surgery Cost In Fort Worth?

The prices listed here include Dr. Kunkel’s fee, the surgical facility fee, and the anesthesia fee. Prescription medications cost extra. Insurance may pay the majority of the costs of these but that varies by insurance company. The amount listed could vary a bit, depending on which surgical facility is used. Also, just as the cost of buying a car may change depending on how many options a person wants, the cost of cosmetic breast lift surgery may change depending on a person’s unique physical findings and exactly what she (or he) hopes to achieve.

  • Breast lift (mastopexy) surgery without breast implants: approximately $8,100.
  • Breast lift (mastopexy) surgery combined with breast augmentation begins at $11,000 and varies, depending on whether saline or silicone breast implants are used. This cost includes the breast implants.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Kunkel Today!

To learn more about Dr. Kelly Kunkel's Breast Lift services, or to find out if you are a good candidate for the procedure, please call 817.335.5200 or click here to send us an appointment request!

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M-Th: 9:00am - 5:00pm
F: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Closed Weekends

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