image of a pregnant woman in a white shirt

Things to Know About Breast Augmentation and Nursing

breast augmentation lactationIf you’re an expectant or new mother and either have or are thinking about getting breast implants, it’s important that you learn how breast augmentation surgery can affect your nursing journey.

Will Breast Augmentation Stop Me From Lactating? 

No. Expectant mothers who’ve had breast augmentation surgery will be able to lactate. Your breasts start producing milk when chemical signals in your brain tell it to release the hormones oxytocin and prolactin. The levels of these hormones increase during pregnancy and when your baby suckles. This naturally-occurring phenomenon will not go away because you’ve gotten breast implants.

Will Breast Augmentation Limit My Milk Supply?

Possibly. Some new mothers who’ve had breast augmentation surgery have mentioned slow production or limited milk supply.  If you do not already have breast implants before becoming pregnant, I suggest waiting until you are no longer breast-feeding before you undergo breast augmentation.  Your breasts will change as you stop breast-feeding, and the choices you make regarding sizes of the implants may change as a result.

Can Enlarged Breasts Make Latching Difficult?

No. If you have breast implants and a knowledgeable plastic surgeon performed your breast augmentation, then your breast-to-nipple ratio should be conducive to latching.

Visit a Breast Augmentation Expert in Fort Worth, TX

If you want breast augmentation surgery and you’re also aware of plans to become a mother later in life, then Kelly R. Kunkel, MD, PA is the ideal practice for you. Dr. Kunkel uses state-of-the-art Vectra XT 3D imaging to help in choosing the breast implants most suited to your body and your ideal outcome. To schedule a consultation with one of the most advanced breast augmentation surgeons in the area, call 817-335-5200.

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